When it comes to caring for dogs, particularly those with flat noses like French Bulldogs, Pugs, or Boxers, respiratory health is often at the forefront of concern. These brachycephalic (flat-faced) breeds are predisposed to breathing difficulties due to their unique anatomy. An often-overlooked threat to their respiratory well-being is exposure to dangerous fungi, particularly Stachybotrys chartarum, commonly known as “black mold.” This insidious mold can exacerbate existing respiratory problems and lead to serious health consequences.

In this post, we will explore the science behind Stachybotrys chartarum, its impact on respiratory infections in flat-nosed dogs, and how pet owners and veterinary professionals can recognize and mitigate the dangers associated with mold exposure.

What is Stachybotrys chartarum?

Stachybotrys chartarum is a slow-growing, toxigenic mold that thrives in damp, humid environments, often lurking in places like basements, bathrooms, or poorly ventilated areas. It produces a dark green or black appearance and is commonly associated with water-damaged materials, including drywall, wood, and insulation. This mold is infamous for producing mycotoxins, which are harmful compounds that can be released into the air when the mold is disturbed.

Mycotoxins, like trichothecenes, are potent toxins that have been linked to a variety of health issues in humans, including respiratory symptoms, fatigue, headaches, and skin irritation. However, what is less known is the threat Stachybotrys chartarum poses to our canine companions, particularly those with respiratory vulnerabilities.

Why Are Flat-Nosed Dogs More Vulnerable to Respiratory Infections?

Flat-nosed dogs, known as brachycephalic breeds, possess shortened nasal passages, which leads to increased breathing difficulty. Their flattened skull structure compresses their nasal and throat structures, often causing conditions like brachycephalic airway syndrome (BAS). BAS is characterized by elongated soft palates, narrowed nostrils (stenotic nares), and hypoplastic tracheas (underdeveloped windpipes). These anatomical features already predispose flat-faced dogs to breathing problems, snoring, and exercise intolerance.

In addition to structural challenges, their limited airway capacity makes brachycephalic dogs more susceptible to infections, allergies, and irritants, including mold spores. The restricted nasal airflow in these breeds means that harmful particles, including mold spores and mycotoxins, can more easily bypass natural filtration mechanisms, such as nasal hairs and mucus, which would normally trap and prevent them from entering the lower airways. This increases the likelihood of respiratory irritation and infection.

The Connection Between Stachybotrys chartarum and Respiratory Infections in Dogs

While all dogs are at some risk of respiratory irritation or infection when exposed to mold, Stachybotrys chartarum presents a heightened threat due to the toxic nature of the mycotoxins it releases. These mycotoxins can be inhaled or ingested by dogs, leading to a range of clinical symptoms that can be easily misdiagnosed as general respiratory infections or allergies.

Common Symptoms of Mold Exposure in Dogs:

  1. Coughing or Wheezing – Mold spores can trigger inflammatory responses in the respiratory tract, leading to coughing fits or chronic wheezing, especially in dogs already suffering from brachycephalic airway syndrome.
  2. Sneezing or Nasal Discharge – The presence of mold spores in the environment can irritate the sensitive nasal tissues of flat-nosed dogs, leading to frequent sneezing or nasal discharge, which may be mistaken for a cold.
  3. Difficulty Breathing – Mold can exacerbate breathing difficulties in brachycephalic breeds. Owners may notice that their dog is more short of breath than usual, even after minimal physical exertion.
  4. Lethargy – Dogs exposed to mold may become lethargic, with decreased energy levels due to chronic respiratory strain.
  5. Eye and Skin Irritation – Mold spores and mycotoxins can also lead to itchy, red eyes and skin irritation, especially in dogs with underlying allergies or sensitive skin.
  6. More severe symptoms of mold exposure, such as loss of appetite, vomiting, and neurological symptoms like tremors or seizures, may occur in extreme cases where the exposure is prolonged or the concentration of mycotoxins is high. Given that dogs often spend a significant amount of time indoors, it’s important for pet owners to be vigilant about potential mold infestations.

Diagnosing Mold-Related Respiratory Issues in Dogs

Diagnosing mold-related respiratory infections in flat-nosed dogs can be challenging, as the symptoms often overlap with other respiratory conditions such as kennel cough, canine influenza, or seasonal allergies. Veterinarians typically begin with a comprehensive history of the dog’s environment, including questions about recent water damage, humidity levels, and the presence of mold in the home. Diagnostic tests may include:

  • Chest X-rays or CT scans to assess lung health and look for signs of chronic inflammation or infection.
  • Bloodwork to rule out other underlying health issues that may be contributing to respiratory distress.
  • Test the nasal fungi and bacteria to detect fungal spores or bacteria that may be contributing to respiratory symptoms. Typically, these fungi are identified via culture or PCR testing. However, MiDog’s Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) is likely superior to culture and PCR testing for detecting black mold in dogs because it can identify a wide range of organisms, including rare or difficult-to-culture fungal molds, without needing specific targets. NGS also offers greater sensitivity and accuracy by detecting even minute amounts of mold DNA and multiple species simultaneously, which is crucial for diagnosing complex respiratory infections, like that of black mold infection. Additionally, NGS can differentiate between toxigenic and non-toxigenic strains, providing a more comprehensive understanding of the mold’s health impact.
  • In some cases, veterinarians may recommend environmental testing, which involves sampling areas in the home where mold is suspected and testing for the presence of Stachybotrys chartarum or other harmful molds.

Treatment and Prevention Strategies

  1. Environmental Control: The most critical step in protecting dogs from mold-related respiratory issues is eliminating the source of the mold. Pet owners should regularly inspect their homes for signs of water damage or mold growth, particularly in damp areas. Mold remediation may be necessary to remove large infestations. Using dehumidifiers and improving ventilation can reduce the risk of mold proliferation.
  2. Veterinary Care: For dogs experiencing mold-related respiratory issues, prompt veterinary care is essential. Treatment often involves anti-inflammatory medications, bronchodilators to open up the airways, and antifungal medications if a fungal infection is diagnosed. Flat-nosed dogs with severe respiratory symptoms may require supplemental oxygen or even surgery to correct anatomical abnormalities, such as stenotic nares or elongated soft palates, to improve airflow.
  3. Monitoring and Prevention: Brachycephalic dogs should be monitored closely for any signs of respiratory distress, especially in environments prone to mold growth. Using air purifiers with HEPA filters can help trap airborne mold spores, reducing exposure. Regular grooming and cleaning of the dog’s bedding and living area can also minimize environmental allergens and irritants.

Conclusion: The Silent Threat of Mold Exposure

While Stachybotrys chartarum may seem like an obscure environmental hazard, its impact on the respiratory health of flat-nosed dogs should not be underestimated. The combination of these dogs’ anatomical predispositions and the toxic nature of black mold makes them particularly vulnerable to respiratory infections and other health issues. Pet owners and veterinary professionals alike must remain vigilant in detecting mold in the environment and addressing respiratory symptoms early on to ensure that our beloved brachycephalic companions can breathe easily and live healthy, happy lives.

By maintaining a mold-free home and seeking prompt veterinary care when respiratory issues arise, we can protect these vulnerable breeds from the hidden dangers lurking in damp corners.

Categories: Dogs, Fungal Infections, Next-Gen DNA Sequencing Technology, Pet Health, Safety and Wellness, Respiratory Infection

animal diagnostics

Validated by Veterinarians

“Clients expect their veterinarians to stay up to date on all matters that affect the health and well being of their non-human family members. The current technique that we have used to determine the presence and antibiotic sensitivity of organisms causing disease in our pets is over a century old.

With the emergence of dangerous antibacterial resistance, it is critical that veterinarians are able to offer laser focused diagnostics and treatment. MiDog enables us to offer care that exceeds the typical standard of care.”

Bernadine Cruz, DVM, Laguna Hills Animal Hospital Laguna Woods, CA

“I love the absolute abundance and comparing the fungal with bacterial infection. I do not worry as much about getting a false negative urinary infection reading as I do with traditional urine cultures. Several times the same urine would culture negative but MiDOG would detect pathogens.”

Michael Morgan, DVMQuail Animal Hospital, Tustin, CA

“The MiDOG All-in-One Test is amazing, I would use it instead of culture and sensitivity.  Such rapid and detailed results, I will reach for MiDOG before culture next time!

Thank you very much MiDOG, for sharing the opportunity to try your technology.”

Martha Smith-Blackmore, DVM, President of Forensic Veterinary Investigations, LLC – Boston, MA

The MiDOG All-in-One Microbial Test is our new gold standard of pathogen identification. The results are so accurate and valuable – especially with assessing both bacterial and fungal infections with the same sample.

Thank you MiDOG!”

Kathy Wentworth, DVM, Diplomate ABVP Canine and Feline Practice – PetPoint Medical Center, Irvine, CA

“The MiDOG staff was extremely helpful and supportive.”

Cathy Curtis, DVM – London, UK

“I have had great results using the MiDOG® Test. Compared to traditional culture tests, I am better able to target the treatment for dogs because the MiDOG® Test is so sensitive that it identifies all pathogens including bacteria and fungi, as well as antibiotic sensitivity.

The cost and turnaround time are about the same as a culture test, but I get much more data. The test has great performance and I believe the NGS technology will be a game changer for veterinarians treating dogs with lesions or other infections.”

Michael Kavanagh, DVM, Practice owner – Saddleback Animal Hospital, Tustin, CA

“It’s helpful to have an NGS spectrum because it gives you a broader insight of what’s happening and what might be going on.”

Richard Harvey BVSc DVD DipECVD PhD FRSB FRCVS – European Specialist in Veterinary Dermatology – Head of Dermatology, Willows Veterinary Centre & Referral Service – Solihull, England UK

“I have been using MiDog for over 4 years now and exclusively as my test of choice for all cultures for 3 years.  It is so great to submit a culture and feel confident there will be a result when it comes back, especially for urine cultures.  The reports were intimidating at first because they contain so much information.  After the first few, I am now quickly able to glance over it and pick out the highlights.  I can then come back later and pour over all the details.  I have been extremely pleased with my patients’ results using the test as well.  I don’t envision ever going back to traditional culture and susceptibilities again.”

Brian M. Urmson, DVM, Columbiana Veterinary Associates

“As an exotic veterinarian, there are numerous tests we have to consider to check specific bacterial and fungal organisms based on the species. MiDOG eliminates the need for many of these separate samples and provides definitive results quickly to help us treat our patients more efficiently and effectively. The lab is wonderful to work with and has never rejected our samples- they even processed a lizard toe we amputated and determined the cause of skin infection.”

Dr. Melissa Giese, Chicago Exotics Animal Hospital

“MiDOG’s diagnostic approach offers the unique ability to identify pathogens that evade traditional culture and sensitivity testing. I have found that adding a molecular based testing approach in the form of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) from MiDOG to my routine diagnostic cultures can be extremely helpful in the identification and diagnosis of uncommon pathogens in veterinary medicine.”

Dr. Wayne Rosenkrantz, Animal Dermatology Clinic – Tustin

“She [Dr. Krumbeck] really did a great job of making complicated concepts accessible and demonstrating the value of your services. I’m really looking forward to working with MiDOG on my research project!”

Dr. Yaicha Peters, Animal Dermatology Clinic – San Diego

“As a proud collaborator with MiDOG, I deeply appreciate their dedication to fostering partnerships between industry and veterinary experts. Their commitment to enhancing diagnostic quality for veterinarians is commendable. In my experience, their support has been invaluable, earning them a ‘Double A+, Triple Star’ rating. Their assistance has been faultless, contributing significantly to the success of my projects and studies. I eagerly anticipate our continued collaboration.”

Dr. Richard Harvey, BVSc DVD DipECVD PhD FRSB FRCVS; European Specialist in Veterinary Dermatology

“We’re seeing that, if we prescribe too many antibiotics or they’re taken too frequently, animals are developing inappropriate or pathogenic strains of bacteria. We’re also seeing that our antibiotics are just not working against them anymore… It’s a good example of why we need better diagnostic testing, like MiDOG, so that we’re selecting the correct antibiotic every time our patients have an infection.”

Dr. Alissa Rexo, DVM, CVA, DACVD, Mid-Atlantic Veterinary Dermatology

“The NGS technique as offered by MiDOG is wonderful because pathogens like Melissococcus plutonius, for example, are difficult to grow and keep alive in the laboratory. A standard laboratory cannot truly examine or even properly diagnose this pathogen in bee hives at this time. But with NGS, we can reliably diagnose it.”

Dr. Joerg Mayer, Entomologist and Microbiologist at the University of Georgia

“For me, as a clinician and as a researcher, I see the immense value in the product [the All-in-One Test]. I have had great success using MiDOG clinically, including identifying Mycoplasma in a 24 year old pigeon, a Nannizziopsis spp in a ball python from a large pet distributor, Mycoplasma and Fusobacterium necrophorum co-infection in a peacock, and to identify an abnormal gut GI in a technician’s dog that tested negative for everything else (but we were able to establish what was abnormal, and work toward fixing it).”

Dr. Jeremy Rayl – Veterinarian, Block House Creek Animal Hospital, Cedar Park, Texas

“With MiDog results I not only receive a list of organisms detected in the sample, but also cell counts which allow me to target the most abundant pathogens or the most pathogenic. The identification of antimicrobial resistance genes is also helpful in selecting an appropriate antibiotic. Another benefit is that sample handling is less prone to risk of overgrowth and is stable at room temperature. Easy and informative. A great tool in our diagnostic toolbox!!”

Lauren Palmer DVM, MPH, Marine mammal Care Center Los Angeles